Higher education

Discover the Halle Gate
Guided tour
In Brussels stands a monumental building; a silent witness to 600 years of urban development.
Metre-thick walls with embrasures, a drawbridge and floor openings to throw things through betray the building's original function, namely as a gateway in the city's 2nd rampart. In the 19th century, it was high time to give the ancient gate a facelift so that it could become a museum. Following the fashion trends of the time, the gate was converted into the fairy tale fantasy castle we still know today.
Students from educational, art and tourism courses, to name but a few, will no doubt find plenty of substance and inspiration here. From chain mail to stuffed horses, impressive guild chains and an imperial cradle: climb the monumental staircase to discover the unique collections. Once at the top, you can even enjoy the best view of Brussels!
Price: € 90 (15 students + 1 supervisor) + tickets € 0, -18/€ 6, students
Time: 90 min (4 group maximum)
Booking: through this webform or +32 (0)2 741 73 02